borrowing pronouns

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Sun Mar 21 04:39:59 UTC 1999

	Okay, La vora/gine was published around 1920 and written a few
years earlier and the plot centers on the rubber boom of the 1880s. We're
going pretty far back in time. Bello wrote about 180 years ago. Cuervo is
also about as old as dinosaur poop. That's leaves a peon heard in Colombia
--which may originally be from Spain or God knows where. That's scraping
the bottom of the barrel.

>Coromines (DEiCCat):
>"vuste' en el Nord d'Equador (Lemos, Prov. ecuatoriano, $54);
>buste' en boca d'un venec,ola` amazo`nic (Eust. Rivera, La
>Vora'gine, p. 194); a zones colombianes: Cuervo, Obra Ine'd., p.
>160, i n. 50, a la Gram. de Bello, tambe' ho cita en valls del
>Sud de Col.; i en una <<coplilla>> oi"da cap a Bogota`: <<E'cheme
>un cuartillo 'e chicha / ... / ya vuste' me entendera' / ... >>
>(Cuervo, Apunt. Bog.7, 587).

>Doesn't Corominas mention 'usta:dh in DCEC/DCEH?  I seem to
>recall that he does, but I don't have either at hand.  In DEiCC,
>he just says: "Com e's ben sabut, voste` resulta` d'una
>contraccio' de vostra merce`".

>Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
>mcv at

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