Dating the final IE unity (was: Re: GREEK PREHISTORY AND LANGUAGE)

Stanley Friesen sarima at
Wed Nov 3 06:41:21 UTC 1999

At 10:38 AM 10/21/99 +0200, Wolfgang Schulze wrote:

>2) [in re Stanley Friesen] NOBODY can make "a strong case for Hattic,
>Hurrian etc. to be related to (part of) the North Caucasian family":
>First, the notion 'North Caucasian' is a rather suggestive term that
>does not find linguistic support [except by a certain school from

I am aware of that, that is why the "part of" qualifier.  I always get the
East and West groups mixed up, so rather than say the wrong one, I used the
less specific phrase "part of North Caucausian"

>assumed proto-languages than standard trivialities]. To posit that
>Hattic and Hurrian etc. are related to (parts) of 'North Caucasian'
>cannot reflect more than a pre-scientific 'on-dit', just because we
>still do not have enough scientific evidence for the history of both WC
>and EC.

I never intended to imply any relationship between the East and West
branches, I just couldn't remember which branch Hurrian-Urartean was said
to be related to.  (My source on this was specific on this, I just did not
remember for certain that it was the East Caucasian family it specified).

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at

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