Evolution and origin of language

X99Lynx at aol.com X99Lynx at aol.com
Thu Sep 9 02:46:17 UTC 1999

In a message dated 9/8/99 8:13:54 PM, artabanos at mail.utexas.edu wrote:

<<I've been looking on the internet for some information about it,
specifically anthropological evidence that might correlate with
language use (at least obliquely). I'm talking about brain mass of
early hominids, tool use, etc. that might shed some light on the issue.
If anyone knows of any good information, or where I can find it,
I'd really appreciate any help y'all might give.>>

I just received the following forwarded which might helpful:

<<Evolution-t was designed to discuss scientific views of different
evolutionary theories and recent research.  It encompasses a broad range
of topics, including Darwinian vs non-Darwinian evolution, phylogenetic
analysis, genetics, behavioral ecology, human evolution, etc.
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