Can Parent and Daughter co-exist?

Dr. John E. McLaughlin mclasutt at
Thu Sep 16 05:51:59 UTC 1999

Joat Simeon wrote:

> << Eastern Shoshoni has not undergone any noticeable sound
> changes in that same
> time period (based on analysis of the whole dialect continuum and
> the easy way
> that the Comanche changes can be tracked from modern Eastern Shoshoni). >>

> -- well, you can use modern Lithuanian as a "proto-Language" for
> Latvian, but
> isn't this sort of off-topic for the instances (Latin, Sanskrit)
> that we were
> using of dead liturgical languages?

The original question wasn't really related to Latin or Sanskrit
specifically, but to the question of can a parent and daughter co-exist.  It
was originally raised in relation to the UPenn IE family tree.

John E. McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
mclasutt at

Program Director
Utah State University On-Line Linguistics

English Department
3200 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, UT  84322-3200

(435) 797-2738 (voice)
(435) 797-3797 (fax)

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