Pre-Basque phonology (fwd)

Eduard Selleslagh edsel at
Thu Sep 30 18:12:28 UTC 1999

-----Original Message-----
From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal <mcv at>
Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999 4:08 AM

>"Eduard Selleslagh" <edsel at> wrote:

>>It always looked to me as if the specialists were at a loss to come up with a
>>good IE etymology of <kapno's> (and the verb <kapnizo>, 'to smoke'). The
>>relatively well-known etymologies you cite are rather difficult to defend in
>>a straightforward way: among themselves, the Lithuanian, Latin and Gothic
>>words are consistent with a common ascendance (root: kuep-, with long e)
>>(even though Lat. vapor ought to be 'quapor'?), but <kapnss> is hard to fit
>>into the series: why isn't the kv/hw/v (actually /w/) /p/ in Greek, as it

>This root has initial ku-, which we can assume gives /k/ in Greek
>(unlike labiovelar *kw and palatal + glide *k^u, which merge into
>/p/, at least before /a/ and /o/).  There are no counterexamples,
>as far as I know.

[Ed Selleslagh]
I already suspected something of the kind. Thanks for the clarification.
What do you mean by 'there are no counterexamples'? Do you mean of 'kuV-
becoming /p/ in Greek'?


Dr. Ir. Eduard Selleslagh edsel at
B-9120 Haasdonk

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