AS Conquest anthony.appleyard at UMIST.AC.UK
Sat Dec 9 17:23:54 UTC 2000

From: "David L. White" <dlwhite at>

> Enslavment (or enserfment) is much more profitable than extermination/
> expulsion, and is the general practice of conquerors.

On Thu, 7 Dec 2000 14:58:49 EST, JoatSimeon at wrote:

>-- this would be news to the American Indians, the Tasmanians, the Australian
>Aboriginies, the San hunters of southern Africa, and innumerable other groups.
>Conquerors most of whom are farmers looking for land are an entirely
>different proposition from conquerors who are a small military caste.

One job that the Anglo-Saxons would not have used Celtic or other slaves
for, was bread making. In a people without potatoes, and where metal money
was too scarce to use it to pay workmen and buy routine groceries, bread
was more important than now. A servant trusted with the job would eat his
fill of it and steal quantities of it, so the lady of the house made the
bread herself, and from that came the word "lady" fron Anglo-Saxon
{hlaefdige} = "she who kneads the bread". Thus also "lord" from Anglo-Saxon
{hlafweard} = "loaf-guard".

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