
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at
Tue Feb 1 19:23:34 UTC 2000

"Eduard Selleslagh" <edsel at> wrote:

>I'm afraid I can't tell you much more, except that:

>-it is generally accepted that West-Flemish dialect (the oldest source of
>literary Dutch, spoken from the Scheldt mouth to Dunkirk) is related to
>Frisian. It is still the most archaic one.

>-Frisian is also spoken (of course) in German E. Friesland and - I believe -
>also on the German and Dutch coastal islands.

>I think Miguel Carrasquer once wrote a well-informed e-mail to this list on
>the subject of the coastal spread of Ingwaeonic/Frisian and its dating.

Well, I could look it up sometime.  I think was complaining about
the notion of a coastal Ingwaeonic Sprachbund (*after* the
Anglo-Saxon settlement of England and across the North Sea), as
it's usually presented, as opposed to the IMHO more
straightforward (and historically attested) explanation of
Frisian settlement along the coast as far south as Dunkirk in
late-Roman/ post-Roman times.  At least for "Ingwaeonisms" on
this (the continental) side of the North Sea.  Are West Flemish
and Hollands Ingwaeonized Frankish dialects or Frankish dialects
on a Frisian substratum?

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at

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