Stanley Friesen sarima at
Sun Feb 6 06:24:52 UTC 2000

At 12:55 AM 2/5/00 +0100, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:
>That's not at all what Renfrew says.  He's saying that "a
>massive amount of archaeological evidence associated with
>fundamental technological-economic transformation requires a
>linguistic change", as it were.  Which is true.  The Neolithic
>Revolution was the second most important such event in European
>history (the most important was the introduction of language --as
>we know it-- itself in the Upper Paleolithic, 50-40,000 BP).

I think that date is rather too late.  That is more likely the date at
which language was introduced into Europe.  How much earlier language was
invented is unclear, but it could be as long ago as 200,000 years ago, with
the first appearance of anatomically modern humans in Africa.

The Upper Paleolithic (or its equivalent) begins earlier,and more
gradually, outside of Europe.

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at

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