"centum"/"satem" "exceptions" [was Re: Northwest IE attributes]

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Tue Feb 8 09:22:27 UTC 2000

"Eduard Selleslagh" <edsel at glo.be> wrote:

>> << 1) what then is the standard reconstruction proposed for Skt. pu:r-,
>> Greek <polis> and Baltic <pilis>? And the prototype meaning assigned to it?

>And Slavic toponyms like Plzen' (Ger. Pilsen).

What about -zen^?

>Could Celtic 'briga' (> Gmc. burg) be a cognate? (and what about the Phryges,

[AFAIK, Gmc. <burg> is not a Celtic loanword.]  No, *pelH- != *bhergh-.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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