the Wheel and Dating PIE

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Thu Jan 20 04:05:02 UTC 2000

	It seems like someone had Spanish <andar> "to be in motion, engage
in activity, function/work (i.e. machines), go around, walk, travel, etc."
in mind as the translation for Basque <ibili> and then tried to come up
with an English equivalent.[Note that andar does have somewhat different
semantics in different regions of the Spanish speaking world.]
	And from what Larry Trask says, I wonder if either andar or ibili
may be semantically influenced by the other form.



>I learned it (i.e. "go around") from you, maybe two years or so ago, on the
>Basque-l list.

>> First of all, the verb <ibili> does not mean 'walk', though it is often so
>> glossed, for want of a better equivalent.  It is a verb of undirected
>> motion,
>> and the best English gloss I can offer is 'be in motion'.  And no such sense
>> as 'go around' is attested or reconstructible.

>> Furthermore, the verb <ibili> is definitely not a compound, nor does it
>> contain the element *<bil> 'round'.  It has the normal structure for a
>> native
>> Basque verb.


Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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