IE "Urheimat" and evidence from Uralic linguistics

JoatSimeon at JoatSimeon at
Wed Jan 26 03:31:37 UTC 2000

In a message dated 1/25/00 7:57:07 PM Mountain Standard Time,
anaikio at writes:

<< There are some Finnic-Saamic loan words with proto-IE
>characteristics (e.g., laryngal reflexes) which are probably connected
>with the battle axe culture, such as Finnic-Saamic *kas´a- 'tip, end' < IE
>*Hak´-, *suki- 'family, kin' < IE *suH-. These words are unknown in U
>languages outside the Baltic Sea / Scandianavian area.

-- now, that's interesting.  Are they present in Estonian as well?

>is 4000-5000 bc too early a date for proto-IE?

-- that's a matter of debate.  Post-4000 BCE is generally considered the most
credible range.

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