Goodbye for now

Sean Crist kurisuto at
Sat Jan 29 00:43:31 UTC 2000

Dear all,

I want to thank everyone for the conversation. I regret that I'm going to
have to unsubscribe; I'm finding that I am taking too much time out from
my dissertation to respond to messages on this list.  The temptation is
just too great.

I'll probably resubscribe again when I'm ready to start organizing some
volunteer efforts to put expired-copyright texts about the IE languages
online (hopefully this coming summer, with any luck at all). If you decide
to work on something like this and you're needing web space to post stuff,
drop me an email.

I still have a few posts which haven't made it to the list yet; if you
want to respond to me personally about those posts, it's OK with me if you
do so thru private email.

Bye for now,

  \/ __ __    _\_     --Sean Crist  (kurisuto at
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