Conference in Copenhagen

Birgit Anette Olsen bao at
Thu Jun 8 12:39:35 UTC 2000

[ Moderator's note:
  This is being sent for the sake of archival completeness.
  --rma ]


A conference on the subject:

Indo-European Word Formation/Indogermanische Wortbildung
             inventory and analysis

will take place at the University of Copenhagen

October 20th - 22th 2000.

Preference will be given to papers dealing with nominal and verbal
derivation, including the formation of compounds, in the Indo-European
language family in general or in one of the separate branches.
A minor session of the conference will be dedicated to the discussion
of lexical projects and other works of registration.

Potential speakers are kindly invited to send a working
title and a brief abstract, preferably in English or
German, no later than July 16th 2000, to:

Birgit Anette Olsen
University of Copenhagen, Institut for Almen og Anvendt
Sprogvidenskab, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300, Copenhagen S.

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