More on dental fricatives

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Mon Nov 13 15:19:59 UTC 2000

/_DH_/ (edh) is the standard pronunciation for final <d>

besides /_TH_/ theta in northern Spain

other regional pronunciations (that I have come across) are
/0/ in lowland Spanish /maDHri, maDHri:/
/s/ as a hypercorrection in lowland Spanish; occasionally /S, _TH_/ in
parts of Central America /maDHris, maDHriS/
and /t/ in Yucatan /madrit, matrit/ but only among speakers whose native
language was yucateco

note also the lastname Madriz


>On the other hand, I often hear an edh in 'Madrid', 'laúd' etc. Or is
>there something wrong with my hearing ?


Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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