
Anthony Appleyard mclssaa2 at fs2.mt.umist.ac.uk
Wed Nov 22 11:08:33 UTC 2000

Stefan Georg wrote:-
> ... McAlpin's ... conclusion is, quite surprisingly, that Elamite is just
> another Dravidian language, or, if I remember correctly, that it is even
> closer to (most of) Dravidian, than Brahui is. ...

Before we compare things with Brahui, what came of a thread that was on this
list or Nostratic list a while ago?, where someone claimed that, of the
modern outlying northern Dravidian languages:-

> The Brahui-speakers were descended from soldiers raised in Dravidian South
> India and dumped in Baluchistan when they got due for discharge.
> The Kurukh and Malto migrated from South India in recent centuries.
> Thus, their languages are irrelevant when discussing ancient linguistics.

Is this genuine? Or are these ideas derived from old legends of exotic
origin such as an old writer who equated "Scot" and "Scythian", or legends
that particular north European peoples or their kings or gods were descended
from Greeks or Trojans? There is a discussion on gothic-l at egroups.com about
how quickly among illiterate uneducated tradition all sorts of unlikely
matter can get into tribal legends.

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