
Dr. John E. McLaughlin mclasutt at
Mon Oct 2 14:31:50 UTC 2000

Besides being a native speaker of one, I'm mostly on on-looker to the
IE languages, so I'd like to know what people think about the I-E
section of David Dalby's recently published Linguasphere volume.  I've
got some corrections to bring to his attention in the section of
languages I work on (Numic of Uto-Aztecan), so I'd specifically like
the impressions you might have about his decisions on "outer
languages" versus "inner languages" in respect to mutual
intelligibility issues.  Thanks.  (My copy is numbered 052, so I hope
that at least some of you represent copies 1-51.)

John E. McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Linguistics

Program Director
USU On-Line Linguistics

English Department
3200 Old Main Hill
Utah State University
Logan, UT  84322-3200

(435) 797-2738 (voice)
(435) 797-3797 (FAX)

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