Further on minimal pairs 3 [was Re: PIE e/o Ablaut]

Stanley Friesen sarima at friesen.net
Sat Oct 7 02:03:05 UTC 2000

At 03:09 PM 10/5/00 +0100, petegray wrote:
>IE *e/o-Ablaut inflectional or
> > >derivational?

>> o-form as a noun or adjective,
>> and an e-form as a verbal root

>Might it not begin as, say, a result of phonetic environment, but in later
>PIE be used for derivational purposes?  This "grammaticalising" of an
>originally phonetically conditioned variant is known elsewhere in various

>So the fact that it is used derivationally does not prove it began that way.

Of course not.  The issue I am addressing is its status in PIE
itself.  Pre-PIE is a different issue.

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at ix.netcom.com

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