A question about Greek or Latin

John F. Emery jfemery at ucdavis.edu
Wed Feb 21 06:27:19 UTC 2001

>Dear all
>   I need a useful piece of information about causative and passive verbs
>formations of GREEK or LATIN. I have learned SANSKRIT and was wondering
>wheter Greek and Latin have the same verbs formation of SANSKRIT. It uses a
>causative or passive verb, which consists of causative or passive affixes
>and verb stems, for the causative or passive expression. If anyone knows a
>good knowledge of either of them, would you please tell me about it

Andrew Sihler's New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, covers
this somewhat.  686 pages (January 1995)
                            Oxford Univ Press; ISBN: 0195083458

John F. Emery
UC Davis
Section of Plant Biology
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616

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