
Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Thu Jan 4 19:41:17 UTC 2001


> Does anyone know why <leche> is feminine?

	There is a group of Latin neuters that became feminine in Spanish &
Portuguese and masculine in French and Italian. I seem to remember Posner
saying something to the extent that [in some cases] Spanish evidently
derived feminine forms from the plurals while French and Italian derived
masculine forms from the singulars


>Giovanni Alessio briefly discusses some of these words in his review of
>Hubschmid's "Mediterrane Substrate" (St. Etr. XXIX, 1961, pp. 362-79).
>Alessio rejects the connection between the Sardo-Corsican dog-terms and
>Basque <zakur>, <txakur> on phonetic grounds. He suggests <zakur> might be
>derived from a Ligurian form represented by Late Lat. <segusius>, Ital.
><segugio> 'bloodhound'.

	Corominas is locked up in the library for the next week or so, so I
hope you don't mind me asking how and if Spanish sabueso "bloodhound" is
derived from segusius. It looks possible but messy: I can see sabueso from
something like *sagu"eso < *sagOso- but it gives an open /O/, rather than
closed /o/ that would be expected from /u/
	Or is it directly from substrate?

>The vowel-alternation is parallel to Lat. <cerrus> :
>Span. <carrasco> 'holm-oak'. Ligurians living near Tartessos are reported by
>Steph. Byz. (s.v. Ligustine), and Thuc. (VI.2.2) says the Sicanians claimed
>to be Iberians driven from the basin of the Sikanos (mod. Jucar?) by
>Ligurians. Alessio thus hypothesizes that the Ligurians brought substratal
>forms from the Balkans to southern Spain, whence the Iberians passed some of
>them (perhaps including <zakur>) on to the Basques, giving Hubschmid and
>others the false impression that Basque itself originated in the East.

	So Alessio proposed the Lusitanians = "IE Ligurians" = Illyrians
hypothesis? By "IE Ligurians", I mean the non-Celtic, non-Italic IE
speakers of N Italy & S France
	I've also seen claims that the Sikani themselves were Ligurians
based on toponymic similarities between names in Sicily and Liguria


Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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