thy thigh etc.

Jim Rader jrader at
Fri Jun 1 18:18:57 UTC 2001

I won't comment on the others, but <kinkajou> is the ordinary
vernacular English name for the Meso- and South American
mammal _Potos flavus_.  It's in the 6th edition (1999) of _Walker's
Mammals of the World_, a standard zoological reference, and in all
four of the competing American 1-vol. desk dictionaries I've
checked (Merriam-Webster, Random House, Webster's New
World, American Heritage).  Etymology is curious--a
misapplication of a North American French word for the wolverine,
borrowed from Algonquian languages.

Jim Rader

> Undoubtedly true, but wastage still occurs.  My copy of the Concise Oxford
> of 1911, 3rd edition 1934, contains many Anglo-Indian words which would now
> be very quaint, if understood at all.  It also contains words such as:
>    Bayard
>    hoodman-blind
>    kinnikinic
>    kinkajou
>    kino
>    kintal
>    rahat lakoum
>    raff
>    sleuth-hound
>    ubiety
>    xoanon   etc.
> I have no way of checking if these are in the modern editions, but I don't
> mind guessing that many of them are not.

> Peter

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