Munda in Early NW India

Rich Alderson alderson+mail at
Mon Jun 18 23:27:18 UTC 2001

On 13 Jun 2001, Douglas G Kilday wrote:

> I think the H-series in PIE represents undetermined unvoiced fricatives,
> probably varying greatly among dialects and more rapidly in time than most
> other PIE sounds. Their characterization as "laryngeal" properly belongs to
> their final stage as fricatives

The characterization of Saussure's _co'efficients sonantiques_ as "layrngeals"
is based on their effect on surrounding vowels, an effect known to M/oller from
the Semitic language family to which he wished to relate Indo-European.  It is
now conventional, but should not be taken as more than that; on the other hand,
it would be interesting to hear of vocalic effects of non-laryngeal/non-pharyn-
geal fricatives in the languages of the world.

								Rich Alderson

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