Genetic Descent

Rick Mc Callister rmccalli at sunmuw1.MUW.Edu
Wed Jun 27 22:32:59 UTC 2001

	The normal order for verbs like Spanish gustar, Italian piacere, etc.
		is Indirect object pronoun-Verb-Subject, OVS
	You certainly can change the order to SOV for the purpose of
emphasis but my point was that there is a whole category of "reverse action
verbs" in Romance languages.
	I'm curious how the curious syntax arose

>I am not sure that all of your examples are relavent. In the first example
>the more accurate translation would be "the books are pleasing to me".
>The corresponding verb in Italian "piacere" follows the same pattern:  Mi
>piacciono i libri.There is nothing preventing one from saying: Los libros
>me gustan or I libri mi piacciono, therefore creating an SOV order.The
>only reason for this type of word order as you point out is that the verb
>is passive.Maria Anna Calamia> Me gustan los libros. > "To me please (3p)
>the books." > "I like books."[ moderator snip ]>Rick Mc Callister >W-1634
>>Mississippi University for Women >Columbus MS 39701

Rick Mc Callister
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus MS 39701

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