Latin mecum, tecum, etc.

Stefan Georg Georg-Bonn at
Thu Jun 28 14:34:00 UTC 2001

>petegray wrote:

>>> Is there any obvious reason why -cum is the only instance of the archaic
>>> system?

>> It only occurs with personal pronouns, and nowhere else.   The most
>> interesting suggestion I have heard is that it began with an avoidance of
>> the sequence cunn-.   cum nobis could sound like forms of cunnus, from which
>> comes the good English word cunnilingus.  Hence nobiscum, thence to other
>> personal pronouns.

No Latin speaker would have ever cared to avoid the use of cunnus or
whatever it may be which is carefully omitted from our textbooks
today. They wouldn't even have understood what someone who might
object was talking about. (they would have been
flabber-fucking-gasted and would have said so !) They were no
Victorian Latin teachers (isti cinaedi).

Dr. Stefan Georg
Heerstrasse 7
D-53111 Bonn

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