language change among young people

Leslie Barratt ejlesbb at
Thu Aug 12 15:49:42 UTC 1999

The use of 'fat' to mean great that was cited  in Norwegian is also
common in some U.S. English communities.

Another example of language change among young people is the
replacement of  'on accident' for 'by accident' (It happened on
accident; he did it on accident).  I am working on a paper on this
right now, and we have found that the correlation to age is
significant far beyond the .05 level (in some questions .000).

One more that I have noticed but not studied is the use of 'fun' as
an attributive adjective as well as predicative.  I do not remember
saying or hearing  'a fun time' etc. until about 15 years ago.  Does
anyone know about this one?

Leslie Barratt

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