frequency database - child directed speech

Theodor Marinis marinis at
Thu Dec 2 14:53:23 UTC 1999

Dear INFO-CHILDES Colleagues,

does anybody know, if there is a database which could give frequency of
words in child directed speech for English, German or any other language?

Thank you in advance,

Theodore Marinis
Theodor Marinis
Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS)
Jägerstraße 10-11
D-10117 Berlin
Tel. +49-30-20192-504
Fax  +49-30-20192-402

Universität Potsdam
Institut für Linguistik/Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Postfach 601553
D-14415 Potsdam
Tel. +49-331-9772631
Fax  +49-331-9772095 (Sekretariat)

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