Updating your listing on the CHILDES Memberlist

Barbara Zurer Pearson bpearson at comdis.umass.edu
Tue Dec 5 03:31:06 UTC 2000

Dear ChiPeople,

I've been using the CHILDES member list lately
to get people's addresses.  It's pretty handy, but
I'm also realizing how hard it is to keep it up-to-

When I sent to one person and had it bounce,
I decided to check my own listing--and of course there
was a mistake in it, too.  Can I suggest that we
all check our listings and make sure they're current?

then Membership list
then Chi People
then "member" "babbling"
(then search on yourself).

The permissions are set for you to go into the
"Form View" and
"Edit" your record by yourself.  No need to go
through the webmaster.. If you have any problem
with it, though, email Kelly Sacco

	sacco at cmu.edu

She'll help you out.

Great (and another thank you to Brian for yet another
helpful service).

Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D.
Project Manager, NIH Working Group on AAE

Department of Communication Disorders
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
117 Arnold House
Amherst MA 01003
fax 545-0803

bpearson at comdis.umass.edu

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