Favorite Book?

C. George Hunt c.g.hunt at reading.ac.uk
Fri Feb 18 10:06:27 UTC 2000

Might I offer four?

The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren
Iona and Peter Opie
Oxford Clarendon Press 1959
(A classic record of children's oral culture.)

The People in the Playground
Iona Opie
Oxford University Press
(An 'update' of the above, in the form of a journal of observations.)

Language Play
David Crystal
(A summary of language play in general, but with fascinating chapters
related to the role of play in language and literacy

Loving April
Melvin Burgess
Andersen Press
( Controversial 'young adult' novel about the tribulations of a hearing
impaired girl growing up in an English village.)

Good luck with the project.

George Hunt

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