Publication of PhD theses

Sabine Prechter Sabine.Prechter at
Mon Jan 31 16:41:15 UTC 2000

Dear all,

reading the contributions to this topic, I have started to wonder how many
PhD systems _require_ thesis publication in form of a monograph. Could
some of you maybe give me some brief hints on the publication requirements
in your countries?

Thanks a lot in advance,


Nao basta abrir a janela              Sabine Prechter
Para ver os campos e o rio    *sabine.prechter at*
Nao e bastante nao ser cego           Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10 B IV
Para ver as arvores e as flores       D-35394 Giessen
20 de abril de 1919                   Fone: +49 641 99-30065
Alberto Caeiro                        Fax:  +49 641 99-30159

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