affect in children's writing

Catherine Crain-Thoreson thoreson at
Wed Mar 1 23:30:18 UTC 2000

Thanks to everyone who responded to our query.  Here are the references
we've received so far.

Katrice Shuler & Catherine Crain-Thoreson

1. >From: Susan L Engel <Susan.L.Engel at>
>to get an overview you might look at my book,
>The Stories Children Tell (1995 WH Freeman)
>Robyn Fivush's work and
>Michael Bamberg's work.
>Also look at the work of Peggy  Miller.
>Another angle would be to look at some of the TOM work which
>indirectly gets at that issue.
2.  From: "Silliman, Elaine" <silliman at>
>A.	Clachar (1999). It's not just cognition: The effect of emotion on
>multiple-level discourse processing in second-language writing. Learning
>Sciences, 21, 31-60.
3.  From: Ann Dowker <ann.dowker at>
>Brian Sutton-Smith has done a lot of work on children's storytelling; not
>*mainly* about affect, but I think that comes into the work a bit. His
>books "The Folkstories of Children" was published by University of
>Pennsylvania Press in the early 80s.

4. >From: Beppie van de Bogaerde <beppie at>
>a colleague of mine, Marja Roelofs, had her dissertation on the pragmatic,
>narrative skills of children between 4;0 - 8;0. Based on the frog story?
>I think she also examined emotions ? But you should check with her I guess.

5. >From: Asa Nordqvist <asanord at>
(Nordqvist, Å. (1998) Projecting speech to
>protagonists in oral and written narratives: a developmental study.
>Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol 2., 2:37-46.)

6.  >From: Tina Bennett-Kastor 
>Judy Reilly has an article, "How to tell a good story:
>the intersection of language and affect in children's
>narratives," in Journal of Narrative and Life History,
>1992, 355-377.

7. >From: judy reilly <reilly1 at>
We have worked on spoken narratives and and are currently looking also at
>there is a 1002 paper Reilly,JR How to Tell a good story, in Pplied
>Michael Bamberg also has work in this area.
>We ahve another apepr with normals and Williams syndorme in Developmental
>Psychopatholoyg 1990:  Reilly, Klima and Bellugi, 1991

Catherine Crain-Thoreson, Ph.D.
Psychology Department
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA 98225-9089

Tel: (360) 650-3168
Fax: (360) 650-7305
email: thoreson at

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