SUMMARY: British version of the MacArthur CDI?

Patrick Griffiths P.Griffiths at
Tue Nov 13 11:56:27 UTC 2001

The following people were kind enough to respond to my query of 12 November
regarding a UK adaptation of the CDI.  Many thanks to all of you!

Sonia Mariscal
Carmel Houston-Price
Annabelle David
Virginia Marchman
Marilyn Nippold
Philip Dale
Tom Klee

Here is a list of the main points that I very much appreciate having gained:

A section of the CDI website lists adaptations and contact information:

A 412-item form "typically" used for the age range 11-26 months, can be
downloaded from the Oxford Baby Lab website:

This is described in a paper by Antonia Hamilton, Kim Plunkett & Graham
Schafer (2000)  JCL 27: 689-705.

Tom Klee and Claire Harrison, at the U of Newcastle upon Tyne, did a British
English adaptation of the Toddler CDI, which they gave a paper on at the
most recent Child Language Seminar.

A 100-item short form of the CDI, adapted to British English, was developed
by Philip Dale. See the following paper:

Plomin et al (1998) Nature Neuroscience, 1: 324-8.

Again, my thanks

Patrick Griffiths

York St John College
Lord Mayor's Walk
YO31 7EX

Tel +44 (0)1904 716787
Fax +44 (0)1904 716915
        (centrally, not direct to me)
Email: p.griffiths at
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