
Brian MacWhinney macw at cmu.edu
Sat Oct 18 17:34:05 UTC 2003

Dear Info-CHILDES,

One easy way of tracking attested first uses is to run this command on the
CHILDES database:

Kwal +smy +smine +t*CHI +re *.cha

For example, I ran this on the MacWhinney corpus and pulled out several uses
of "my" at 16 months from Ross.  Unfortunately, we haven't finished
transcription of the files after 16 months, although the audio is available.
Other fully transcribed corpora with children under 2 include Sachs, Suppes,
Brown (Eve), Wells, and the youngest sessions in the Manchester corpus.

Once you get the output of the KWAL command, you can triple click on the
file names and line numbers and that takes you to the relevant passage in
the file.

One of the nice features of the new XML framework for CHILDES is that we
will be able to issue queries that include both child age and lexical item
directly.  Soon...

--Brian MacWhinney

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