Problem with ClanU on Windows XP

Hidetosi Sirai sirai at
Fri Jan 30 02:17:16 UTC 2004

Dear All,

Thanks to Brian, CLAN has improved every year and become very

However, I have the following problem:
CLAN on Windows 2000 works fine. But CLAN-U on Windows XP
(Japanese version) does not.

Everytime I run CLAN-U and start to transcribe with Quicktime, my
computer freezes. And my students also suffer the same problem
(with their computers).

Interestingly, it seems that CLAN (V 06-Mar-2003) is OK on Windows XP
and shows chat files in unicode (Japanese).
What is difference between CLAN and CLAN-U?

Thanks for your help.

Hidetosi Sirai
Chukyo University

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