audio recording for speech analysis

Gert Westermann g.westermann at
Tue Jul 6 15:34:52 UTC 2004

Hi everyone,

We are planning to analyze the speech of post-tracheostomized children,
and I'm currently looking for appropriate recording equipment. There
have been some discussions on equipment before, but since technology
moves fast, let me ask again.

Because we are analyzing speech, compression of the audio signal should
not be too large. I have been looking at systems that record directly to
a built-in hard disk, or DAT recorders. Recording directly to a laptop
might also be an option.

Could anyone recommend a system/microphone that would be suitable for this?


   -- Gert

 Gert Westermann
gwestermann at
 Department of Psychology,    Oxford Brookes University,     Oxford OX3 0BP
 Tel +44 (0)1865 48 37 72                                            Fax: +44
(0)1865 48 38 87

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