shapes, colors, numbers, parts

Ann Dowker ann.dowker at
Sat Jun 19 10:38:28 UTC 2004

With regard to number:

Durkin, K. et al (1986). The social and linguistic context of
early number word use. British Journal of Developmental
Psychology, 4, 269-288

Fuson. K. (1988). Children's Counting and Concepts of Number; Springer-
Verlag Chapters  1 and 2

In message <20040618173719.90262.qmail at> Margaret Fleck <margaretmfleck at> writes:
> Hi everyone,
> Here are three questions, all touching on issues of early word learning.
> Basically, I'm fishing for something that will jog someone's memory.
> (1) Can anyone point me at data on the acquisition (especially timing of
> acquisition) of words relating to
>    -- shapes (e.g. triangle, heart)
>    -- parts of objects (e.g. lid, handle)
>    -- toileting tasks (e.g. poopy, diaper, change diaper)
>    -- sounds other than animal noises (e.g. song, noise, "Wheels on the Bus")
>    -- numbers (i.e. early production of words like "four", not true
>           understanding of what it means to have four objects)
>    -- modern electronic equipment (e.g. CD, VCR, remote control, computer,
>           gameboy)
> Those categories of words seem to be absent (or largely absent) from the CDI
> and I'm trying to understand why.  Except for the electronic equipment, much
> of which is simply too recent to have been included in the CDI.
> (2) Can anyone point me at data on the acquisition of morphology and syntax
> for nouns which might be more common in their plural, rather than singular,
> form?  For example, "teeth" or "peas."
> (3) It is often claimed that kids learn color terms by first sorting objects
> by color and then starting to use the color words.  Can anyone point me at
> data on the extent to which this is really true?  E.g. how many kids just
> start using the color words (accurately) without first sorting physical
> objects?
> Many thanks for any pointers you can give me,
> Margaret
>    (Margaret Fleck)

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