Oral proficiency measures in Tagalog

Stefka H. Marinova-Todd marinova at interchange.ubc.ca
Tue Oct 19 18:22:23 UTC 2004

Dear Info-CHILDES,

We are developing a research project to examine the oral proficiency of
language-minority/ESL-learning children who come from homes where
Tagalog is the dominant language. We would appreciate any leads to
measures that have already been developed/adapted for Tagalog in the
domains of receptive (e.g., PPVT) and productive vocabulary,
morphosyntax and any other areas of language knowledge. We will be glad
to post here the summary of responses that we receive.

Thank you,
Stefka Marinova-Todd

Stefka H. Marinova-Todd, Assistant Professor
School of Audiology and Speech Sciences
University of British Columbia
5804 Fairview Avenue
Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V6T 1Z3
tel: (604) 822-0276
fax: (604) 822-6569

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