Young children's acquisition and realization of /r/

Olle Engstrand olle at
Sat Apr 9 12:58:13 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues,
many thanks to all who have responded to my request concerning small 
children's realization of /r/. Here is a list of the suggested references.
Best wishes,
Olle E


Chabanal, Damien 2004 'Production des variables sociolinguistiques ////l// et ////R// chez l'enfant francophone' at <> 

Chevrot, J.-P., Beaud, L. & Varga, R. (2000). Developmental data on a French sociolinguistic variable: the word-final post-consonantal ////R//, Language Variation and Change, 12(3), 295-319. 

Edwards, Mary Louise - there is an M.A. thesis on children's
acquisition of liquids (including American ////r//) published by this author in the Ohio State
University Working Papers in Linguistics in the early 70's. 

Fongaro-Leverin, S. (1992). Der Erwerb des Lautsystems und die 
Phonologischen Prozesse sich normal entwickelnder Kinder: Ein 
Interlinguistischer Vergleich Deutsch/Portugiesisch. Unveröffentlichte 
Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität, München.

Fox, A.V. (2003) Kindliche Aussprachestörungen. Phonologischer Erwerb - 
Differentialdiagnostik - Therapie. Idstein: Schulz-Kirchner.

Fox, A.V., & Dodd, B.J. (1999). Der Erwerb des phonologischen Systems in 
der deutschen Sprache. Sprache - Stimme - Gehör(23), 183-191.

Goad H and Y Rose 2004. Input Elaboration, Head Faithfulness and 
Evidence for Representation in the Acquisition of Left-edge Clusters in 
West Germanic. In R. Kager, J. Pater & W. Zonneveld (2004), Constraints 
in phonological acquisition.Cambridge: CUP, pp. 109-157.

Goldstein, B.A., & Iglesias, A. (1996). Phonological patterns in 
normally developing Spanish-speaking children 3- 4- year-olds of Puerto 
Rican descent. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in School, 27, 82-90.

Grech, H. (1998). Phonological development of normal Maltese-speaking 
children, unveröffentlichte PhD-Thesis, Centre of Audiology, Education 
of the Deaf and Speech Pathology Manchester University.

Heselwood, B.C. & Howard, S.J. (2002) The realisation of English liquids in impaired speech: a perceptual and instrumental study. In Windsor, F., Hewlett, N. & Kelly, L. (eds) Themes in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. 

Holm, A. (1998). Speech development and disorders in bilingual children. 
Unveröffentlichte PhD-Thesis, Department of Speech Newcastle University.

Jones, M: (An Acoustic Study of Labiodental /r/ in British English.) 

Krüger, B. (1998). Produktionsvariabilität im frühen Lauterwerb: Eine 
Typologie kindlicher Abweichungen von Modellwörtern. Unveröffentlichte 
Dissertation, Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel.

Magnusson, E. (1983). The phonology of language disordered children: 
production, perception, awareness. Lund, Sweden: CWK Gleerup.

Mowrer, D.E., & Burger, S. (1991). A comparative analysis of 
phonological acquisition of consonants in the speech of 2;5 - 6 - year - 
old Xhosa- and English- speaking children. Clinical Linguistics and 
Phonetics, 5(2), 139-164.

Nettelblad, U. (1983). Developmental studies of dysphonology in 
children. Lund: CWK Gleerup.

Pey, C., Ingram, D., & List, H. (1987). A comparison of initial 
consonant acquisition in English and Quiche. In K. Nelson & A. van 
Kleek, Children's Language (S.175-190). Hillsdale: Erlbaum.

Piske, T. (1998). Artikulatorische Muster und ihre Entwicklung im 
L1-Lautwerwerb, Dissertation an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel.

Prather, E., Hendrick, D., & Kern, C. (1975). Articulation development  
in children aged two to four years. Journal of Speech and Hearing 
Disorders, 40, 179-191.

Schäfer, B. & Fox, A.V. (in preparation) The acquisition of word 
realisation consistency and the phonological acquistion of 
German-speaking two-year-olds.
Amayreh, M.M., & Dyson, A.T. (1998). The acquisition of Arabic 
consonants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 41, 642-653.

Bortolini, U., & Leonard, L. (1991). The speech of phonologically 
disordered children acquiring Italian. Clinical Linguistics and 
Phonetics, 5(1), 1-12.

Dodd, B. (1995). Differential diagnosis and treatment of children with 
speech disorder. London: Whurr Publisher.

Elsen, H. (1991). Erstspracherwerb - Der Erwerb des deutschen 
Lautsystems. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts Verlag.

So, L., & Dodd, B. (1995). The acquisition of phonology in 
Cantonese-speaking children. Journal of Child Language, 22, 473-495.

Vihman, M.M. and Barry McLaughlin, Bilingualism and second language 
acquisitiion in preschool children, in C. J. Brainerd & M. Pressley 
(eds.),/ Verbal Processes in Children./ NY: Springer-Verlag, 1982.

Olle Engstrand, PhD
Professor of Phonetics
Department of Linguistics
Stockholm University
SE-10691 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Tel:	+46 8 161245, 162347
phone:	+46 70 2467423 
Fax:	+46 8 155381

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