new French narrative corpus

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Sat Jan 29 23:26:33 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues,
     I am happy to announce the addition to CHILDES of a new corpus of 
French picture sequence descriptions from
Monique Vion and Annie Colas of the Université de Provence.  The 
subjects were 7, 9, and 11 year-olds and the
experimental design specifically compared logically ordered vs. 
arbitrary picture sequences.  Many thanks to Monique
and Annie for these transcripts.  The complete readme file follows.

--Brian MacWhinney

This corpus was designed to study the cognitive constraints (memory 
based and/or inferential) that affect the establishment and management 
of links between events. The general hypothesis was that the linguistic 
expressions that structure discourse are the manifestation of 
conceptual constraints imposed by the information management process. 
By varying the conditions of information availability, inference 
making, and thematic continuity in pictorial narratives (silent comic 
strips), we provided verbalizing conditions that were more or less 
favorable to establishing conceptual relationship.

Each comic strip contained eight frames (8 x 8 cm). The first frame 
showed two characters. All subsequent frames showed only one of the two 
characters carrying out various activities. A minimal link between the 
frames was achieved by the continuous presence of one of the characters 
from the first frame.

Four different comic strip versions were constructed using a factorial 
combination of two variables:  thematic continuity and layout. The 
first variable concerned “thematic continuity”. In the maintained topic 
condition, the materials were designed in such a way that a topic would 
be induced after the first frame by the repeated presence of the same 
character in every frame, up to and including the last one. In the 
changed topic condition, the materials were designed in such a way that 
a thematic break was generated by the reintroduction in the last 
picture of the other character from the first frame (in other words, 
frame 1 had both characters, frames 2 through 7 showed only one of the 
two characters, and frame 8 showed only the other).  The second 
variable was a secondary one used to control the layout of the 
characters in the frames. To avoid any bias in referent marking brought 
about by the greater salience of one of the two characters due to its 
location in the picture, the layout (left, right) of the characters in 
the first frame was counterbalanced.

The comic strips differed as to whether event sequence was arbitrary or 
ordered. In the arbitrary sequences, the events although presented as a 
sequence, could have occurred in any order (e.g., in A1, the daily 
activities depicted are relatively independent of each other, and thus 
required inference making: the woman getting dressed -or undressed- 
could have been placed after the women putting on -or taking off- her 
makeup, or anywhere else in the sequence, for that matter). In this 
case, the speaker's had to infer the links between the pictures from 
the proposed sequence in order to build an overall representation of 
one story. In the ordered sequences, the order of the events could not 
be changed  (e.g., in O12, before potentially catching a fish, the man 
had to put on his fishing gear, go to the water's edge, and cast the 
line). The ordered sequences still did not have a script structure 
because the normal sequence of events was modified by the sudden 
appearance of an obstacle. The obstacle was always an event over which 
the main character had little or no control. In some of the comic 
strips, the obstacle interrupted the causal chain of events (e.g., in 
O15, the car hit a hedgehog crossing the road). In others, the obstacle 
did not interrupt the causal chain but created a surprise effect that 
sometimes substantially changed the expected course of events (e.g., in 
O16, the air bubble the fish entered so it could fly burst) and 
sometimes did not (e.g., in 013 the cereal bowl fell and made a hat for 
the cat hanging on the tablecloth). For each type of sequence, the 
materials consisted of 32 test comic strips (8 pairs of characters x 4 

The last variable manipulated was the frame display mode. In the 
simultaneous display mode, all pictures were on one page. The speaker 
was asked to look at the comic strip and to prepare to tell the story 
immediately afterwards. In the consecutive display mode, the comic 
strip was presented in booklet format, with one picture per page. 
Subjects were instructed to turn the pages one by one and to say what 
was happening on each page. As such, the events had to be verbalized 
on-line, as they were discovered.

One hundred and ninety-one native French-speaking subjects (98 males 
and 93 females) participated in the study. There were 63 seven-year-old 
children (attending first grade), 64 nine-year-old children (attending 
third grade), 64 eleven-year-old children (attending fifth grade).

Data collection design
Each speaker was tested in only one frame display mode and on one type 
of sequence. During testing, a given participant saw eight test comic 
strips (each presented in one of the four versions).

Testing was individual and lasted approximately 20 minutes. In the room 
where the experiment took place, there were three persons, the speaker, 
the experimenter, and the addressee of the narration. The addressee was 
a same-age peer from the speaker's grade in school. He/she only acted 
as listener once during the experiment.

1528 narratives were audiotaped in several public elementary school in 
Aix-en-Provence (Château-Double, Henri Wallon, Les Granettes) and 
Luynes (public elementary school and St François d'Assise) France. We 
would like to thank Delphine Baigue and Aïcha Idriss-Abdalla (graduate 
students at the time) for their help in preparing the materials and 
collecting the data.

The description of the picture stimuli is as follows.  First, the 
arbitrary sequences:
A1: Un homme et une femme		(A man and a woman)
A2: Un adolescent et un garçonnet	(An adolescent and a little boy)
A3: Un homme et un adolescent 	(A man and an adolescent)
A4: Une femme et une fillette 	(A woman and a little girl)
A5: Une tortue et un crocodile	(A tortoise and a crocodile)
A6: Un singe et un lion		(A monkey and a lion)
A7: Une poule et des poussins	(A hen and chicks)
A8: Un chat et un âne			(A cat and a donkey)
And then the ordered sequences:
O9: Garçon et grand-père		(Boy and grand-father)
O10: Homme et femme		(Man and woman)
O11: Garçon et fille à la plage	(Boy and girl at the beach
O12: Fils et père à la pêche		(Son and father fishing)
O13: Chien et chat			(Dog and cat)
O14: Ver et escargot			(Worm and snail)
O15: Hérisson et lapin		(Hedgedog and rabbit)
O16: Poisson et grenouille		(Fish and frog)

File names are constructed using the first three number for the 
participant ID and the fourth and fifth for the age (07, 09 and 11). 
Then come three letters.  The first two are either im (arbitrary) or ex 
(ordered) and the last is either g (simultaneous) or s (consecutive).

The gem codes in the files begin with V for vignette.  Then there is a 
number for a picture number of the letter “u” for the picture series 2 
through 7 and then the letter “m” for maintaining topic or “c” for 
changing topic. If the child went straight from the “u” sequence on to 
sequence 8 without a break, then the CHAT will include +… followed by 
+^ as in this example:

(end of VU) *CHI:	après il joue du piano +...
(V8m) *CHI:	+^ et il va se coucher à l'ombre.

Researchers using these data should cite one of these sources:

Vion, M., & Colas A. (1998). L'introduction des référents dans le 
discours en français: contraintes cognitives et développement des 
compétences narratives. L'Année Psychologique, 98, 37-59.
Vion, M., & Colas, A. (1999a) Maintaining and reintroducing referents 
in French: cognitive constraints and development of narrative skills. 
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 72, 32-50.
Vion, M., & Colas, A. (1999b). Expressing coreference in French: 
cognitive constraints and development of narrative skills. Journal of 
Psycholinguistic Research, 28, 261-291.
Vion, M., & Colas, A. (2000) Mode de recueil et outil d’analyse d’un 
corpus de parole spontanée étudié d’un point de vue psycholinguistique. 
TIPA, 19, 155-167.
Vion, M., & Colas, A. (2005). Using connectives in oral French 
narratives: cognitive constraints and development of narrative skills. 
First Language, 25.
Vion, M., & Colas, A. On the use of the connective “and” in oral French 
narration: a developmental study. Journal of Child language. 
Vion, M., & Colas, A. La plannification des unités prosodiques dans la 
narration: contrôle intentionnel et contraintes opérationnelles. TIPA, 
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