question about DVD camcorders

Misha Becker mbecker at
Wed Jun 14 17:53:15 UTC 2006

Dear Info-childes,

I am looking for a new video camera, and I wondered if any of you had tried
using the digital camcorders that record onto DVDs. There are several brands
that have models for under $1000, but only a few of these (by Hitachi and
Panasonic) allow for plugging in an external microphone. I wondered if
anyone knew whether the internal mics in these recorders (Canon, Sony, etc.)
have improved enough that they are sufficient for recording children's
speech (I suspect not--although I'm looking at syntax and lexical use, not
phonetic detail), and if anyone knew of other models that did allow for an
external mic. I can go a little over $1000, but not too much. I've checked
the J&R, BH and G&G websites so far.

I appreciate any tips or suggestions!


Misha Becker
Assistant Professor
UNC Linguistics Department
(919) 962-5009

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