polyglot children

Keith Nelson k1n at psu.edu
Thu Feb 15 13:21:11 UTC 2007

Hello.  I am hoping that someone can point me toward some published 
accounts of the acquisition to age-level fluency of four or more 
languages by any child by about age 6 years.   Of course, the better 
documented the account the better, but I would look at anything from 
journal and books to videos to biography/autobiography etc.   If you 
know of a family who currently  has a child in the midst of such 
multiple languages who would like to share their experiences with me 
that would be of great interest too.   Thanks !    Keith Nelson

Keith Nelson
Professor of Psychology
Penn State University
423 Moore Building
University Park, PA   16802

keithnelsonart at psu.edu

814 863 1747

And what is mind
and how is it recognized ?
It is clearly drawn
in Sumi  ink, the
sound of breezes drifting through pine.

--Ikkyu Sojun
Japanese Zen Master    1394-1481

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