moving mailing list

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Fri Oct 19 21:45:10 UTC 2007

Dear Info-CHILDES,
      For a variety of technical reasons, I would like to move the
info-childes at mailing list to Google.  The address
of the new list is info-childes at  Google Groups
provides many advantages, including the ability to change your
address by yourself, and the ability to upload files. You can also
create a profile describing yourself and your research.
      Once my request for the move is approved at Google, you will
receive a message asking you to subscribe.  If you respond and
confirm, you will be subscribed.  After that you can control your
change or delete your subscription directly through the Google
interface.  Using the Google interface also allows you to create
a profile and add and monitor other groups easily.
     To subscribe using the Google interface, go to  
and get an
account.  You do not need a Gmail account and you don't need to use
email for googlegroups mail.
     To subscribe without the web interface, just send a message to
info-childes-subscribe at
      Please remember that you need to confirm using the mail account
to which Google sends you a message.
If you want a different mail account, you can just ignore the
invitation and go to Google and subscribe directly.
      If you have any problems with any of this, please just send me a
message to macw at

Many thanks.

-- Brian MacWhinney

More information about the Info-childes mailing list