Language and literacy assessments in first grade

Lulu Song lulusong at
Thu Aug 19 16:11:06 UTC 2010

Dear colleagues,

We are currently preparing our 6th-year protocol for a longitudinal
study of ethnic minority urban children and looking for suggestions on
first-grade language and/or literacy assessments.

The participants are African American, Dominican, Mexican and Chinese
children born in the US and followed since birth. The 6th-year wave
will take place roughly after the children have spent one semester in
first grade. Children and their mothers will be invited to our lab for
a 2-hour visit, of which 20-30 minutes will be allotted for language
and literacy tests of the children. All assessments will be conducted
by bilingual research assistants who can speak both English and the
child's native language.

In the past waves, we have used the MCDI, Mullen, EOWPVT (Expressive
One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test) and Woodcock Johnson's subtests of
Letter-word Identification and Passage Comprehension. We are looking
for measures of children's language and literacy skills in first grade
as outcome variables.

We would really appreciate if you have any suggestions on which areas
we should consider assessing and what instruments we might use (in our
limited time frame).

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Lulu Song

宋露露 Lulu Song, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
New York University
The Center for Research on Culture, Development, and Education
246 Greene Street 517E
New York, NY 10003
Phone: 212-998-5822  Fax: 212-995-3918
Web page:

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