Junior Researcher (contracted PhD student) in Language Development and Interaction

Gudrun Ziegler gudrun.ziegler at web.de
Sun Oct 3 12:29:52 UTC 2010

Zur Information, pour diffusion, best regards, Gudrun Ziegler 


Junior Researcher (contracted PhD student) in Language Development and Interaction 

Application End :  Friday October 15 2010
The University of Luxemburg invites applications for the following vacancy in its Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education

Junior researcher (PhD student) in Language Development and Interaction M/F

Ref. F3-060017
2-year -fixed term contract, renewable, 40 hours/week
Student AND employee status

Prepare a doctoral thesis in Educational Sciences
Assist the professor in teaching activities, one to three hours per week
Take up research within one of the following research foci, currently developed within the research group:
a)   language development 
b)   multilingual/multimodal interaction and learning involving relevant analytical tools and methodologies
c)   collection, coding and analysis of empirical data 

Specifically, this work would

fit with activities dealing with language development and the analysis of acquisitional processes in diversity contexts (e.g., bilingualism)
contribute to the empirical analysis of learning involving language(s) and the symbolic nature of human development
be grounded in data-driven empirical research, gathered in natural and/or semi-experimental diversified (e.g., early, adult) working/learning contexts

MA degree (or equivalent) and other relevant experiences in one of the following fields, their intersections or domains of specialisation:
Language sciences or speech therapy
Learning sciences 
Intercultural studies
Interactional studies
Multimodal knowledge management or corpus-based research
Activity / usage related research and process-oriented methodologies.
The candidate has to integrate into a multilingual research team. She/he must therefore have excellent command of at least two of the following languages: English, French, German (written and spoken).
For further information please contact: 
Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Gudrun Ziegler 
Phone: (+352) 46 66 44 9363
Mail: gudrun.ziegler

Interested candidates should submit the following documents  by 15th October 2010:

Motivation letter;
A detailed Curriculum vitae;
Overview/record of potentially related projects, activities and publications (including non-academic activities dealing with development etc.) A short (3-5 page) thesis proposal; 
A copy of diplomas;
The names and contact details of two academic referees (including MA dissertation/thesis supervisor where applicable).

Send to: 

University of Luxembourg 

Campus Walferdange 

Marianne Graffé
LCMI secretary
B.P. 2
L-7201 Walferdange

The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer.
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