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<p>Mavis Donahue wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><font face="Times New Roman, Times">Please help us
to identify candidates for our faculty position as Director of our Early
Childhood Research and Intervention Program. Nominations are welcome.</font>
<p><font face="Times New Roman, Times">Thanks for your help!</font>
<br>The College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago invites
applications for a tenured faculty position as Director of our Early Childhood
Research and Intervention Program. Re-affirming our commitment to
early intervention and school improvement in urban and culturally diverse
communities, we seek an individual with the ability, commitment and enthusiasm
to provide leadership to our Early Childhood Research and Intervention
Program. Its mission includes: providing opportunities for
faculty and students to conduct research on recommended practices for early
intervention for young children and their families; offering a model
demonstration site for preparing professionals in family-focused early
intervention; and supervising quality services to families and their infants
and toddlers, particularly those with or at risk for disabilities.
Offering both center-based and home-based programs, the core of the Early
Childhood Research and Intervention Program is partially supported by recurring
state funds. For the Director position, a record of scholarly activities
consistent with a research university, and successful grant writing in
early intervention is required.
<p>Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of
research interests, evidence of good teaching, examples of scholarly productivity,
and three letters of reference. These materials should be sent to:
<p>Victoria Chou, Dean
<br>College of Education, m/c 147
<br>University of Illinois at Chicago
<br>1040 W. Harrison Street
<br>Chicago, IL 60607
<p>Review of applications will begin on August 23, 1999 and will continue
until the application is filled. The University of Illinois is an
Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.***********************************************Mavis
DonahueProfessor and Chair, Special EducationCollege of Education, m/c
1471040 W. Harrison StreetUniversity of IllinoisChicago, IL 60607312-996-8139
(Voice)312-996-5651 (Fax)</blockquote>