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<center><b>NELS 31 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS</b></center>
<p>Georgetown University will host the next North East Linguistic Society
(NELS 31) conference from October 6th to 8th, 2000.
<p>This year, for the first time, NELS will feature a workshop in
cognitive neuroscience, with the title "Neurological bases of language",
and a poster session on the same topic. The invited speakers for the workshop
<center>Angela Friederici
<br>Yosef Grodzinsky
<br>David Poeppel
<br>Michael Ullman</center>
<p>We invite abstracts for posters for the NELS 31 workshop on "Neurological
bases of Language." Abstracts should examine phenomena from an area of
linguistics (e.g., syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology) and, ideally,
should address issues informative for linguistic theory.
<p>Abstracts must be at most one-page with one-inch margins and typed in
at least 11-point font. An optional second page is permitted for data and
references. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint
abstract, or to two joint abstracts per author.
<p>We strongly encourage electronic submissions.
<p>Postal submissions must include 6 copies of an anonymous abstract and
an index card including the following information: name, title of abstract
and area (phonology, syntax, etc.), poster or main session, affiliation(s),
mailing address, and e-mail address.
<p> ABSTRACT DEADLINE: July 1, 2000
<p> Electronic submissions: nels2000@georgetown.edu
<p> Postal submissions: Abstract Committee/NELS
Department of Linguistics
Georgetown University
37th and O street, NW
Washington, DC 20057
<p>For more information about the conference, please visit our web site:
<br><A HREF="http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/linguistics/nels31/index.htm">http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/linguistics/nels31/index.htm</A></html>