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Hi Donna,
<p>Donna Thal wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<pre> I also have an infected computer, and my antivirus program has</pre>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<pre>been unable to correct it. I also cannot delete the file. What a</pre>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<pre>pain! Have either of you been able to clean your disk and get rid of the virus/worm?</pre>
<br>Here is a link to the Symantec site that has a program that can be
downloaded to
<br>remove it:
<br><A HREF="http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/wscript.kakworm.html">http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/wscript.kakworm.html</A>
<p>Now, like others, I was able to ward the virus off on one of my computers,
but not
<br>the computer in the office. I ran the program, but in my case,
it claimed I hadn't been
<br>infected, I think, primarily because the virus had not attached itself
to the autoexec.bat
<br>file or the Startup file, yet. There are instructions on the
site for getting rid of the virus
<br>by hand, if you need to. If you do get a message that the virus
is not present, do a
<br>search for "kak" or "*.hta" files to verify; I found a *.kak
file hiding in my cache. In
<br>that case, check the procedure on this link:
<br> <A HREF="http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2000020318071406">http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2000020318071406</A>
<p>Now one more thing. Norton caught the file on my home computer,
and isolated the
<br>email message so I couldn't open it. I tried unsuccessfully moving
it to the trash pile to
<br>delete it. And then I had the less-than-brilliant thought that
if I emptied the trash and
<br>compressed my inbox, the file would disappear. Well, it did,
but so did all the mail in
<br>my inbox: compression makes the virus part of one big file, which
is then deleted in its
<br>entirety (at least, that's what my combo of WinME and Netscape did).
So, if you find
<br>yourself in this situation, first move all of your legitimate email
to a temporary folder
<br>before compressing the inbox. (Fortunately, I had a backup from
late October...)