<TITLE>Light verb summary</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Arial">Dear info-CHILDES list members,<BR>
A huge thankyou to all those who so generously offered references, and resources for locating others (on light/general purpose verbs and their acquisition). Below is a compilation of suggestions to date, listed by contributor. My apologies if I missed anyone.<BR>
Thanks once more,<BR>
David Barner<BR>
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, McGill University<BR>
http://www.psych.mcgill.ca/misc/tungs/ <BR>
P.S. Any additional references would of course be appreciated! --DB<BR>
Lorraine McCune: <BR>
Ninio, A. (1999). Journal of Child language 26, 619-653. <BR>
<B>Lois Bloom:<BR>
Bloom, L., Lifter, K., & Hafitz, J. (1980). Semantics of verbs and the<BR>
development of verb inflection in child language. Language, 56, 386-412.<BR>
Bloom, L., Merkin, W., & Wootten, J. (1982). Wh-questions: Linguistic<BR>
factors that contribute to the sequence of acquisition. Child Development,<BR>
53, 1084-1092.<BR>
Bloom, L., Rispoli, M., Gartner, B., & Hafitz, J. (1989). Acquisition of<BR>
complementation. Journal of Child Language, 16, 101-120. <BR>
Bloom, L., Tackeff, J., & Lahey, M. (1983). Learning to in complement<BR>
constructions. Journal of Child Language, 10, 391-406.<BR>
<B>Shanley Allen<BR>
See work of Angeliek van Hout, now at Rijksuniversiteit<BR>
<B>Laura Boynton Hauerwas<BR>
Boynton Hauerwas, L. (1998) The role of general-all-purpose verbs in language acquisition: a comparison of children with specific language impairments and their language matched peers. Unpublished Disseration Northwestern University.<BR>
<B>Mela Sarkar<BR>
Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline. (1978). Les nominalisations en français:<BR>
L'opérateur faire dans le lexique. Genève: Droz.<BR>
Ibrahim, A. H. (1996). La forme d'une théorie du langage axée sur les<BR>
termes supports. Langages, 121, 99-119.<BR>
Martinot, C. (1996). Prédicats et supports chez un enfant de 3 ans.<BR>
Langages, 121, 73-90.<BR>
Martinot, C. (1998). Développement de la construction argumentale de<BR>
trois verbes essentiels: mettre, prendre, donner. Langue française, 118,<BR>
<B>Claire Martinot<BR>
</B>Prédicats et supports chez un enfant de 3 ans, in Langages 121, mars 1996, <BR>
Paris, Larousse (verbe : mettre)<BR>
Les verbes supports dans l'acquisition de la syntaxe, in Actes du Colloque <BR>
International de Besançon sur l'acquisition de la syntaxe en langue <BR>
maternelle et en langue étrangère, Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 1997 (n°631 des <BR>
Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté) (Eve Clark was invited <BR>
in this symposium I had organized)<BR>
Développement de la construction argumentale de trois verbes essentiels : <BR>
mettre, prendre, donner, in Langue française 118 , mai 1998.<BR>
<B>Susan Foster-Cohen<BR>
</B>In my own work on Navajo bilingualism, I touched on them [light verbs] in relation to the<BR>
role they can play in code-switched utterances by children where they function<BR>
as semantically bled main verbs with the complement in the other language. So<BR>
you get things like [dump-tray] you-do-it. (= you dump your tray (at the<BR>
school cantine)) where the [dump tray] part is in English and the verb is in<BR>
Navajo. <BR>
<B>Shula Chiat<BR>
Watkins, R.V., Rice, M.L. & Moltz, C.C. (1993). Verb use by language-impaired and normally developing children <I>First Language</I> 13, 133-43.<BR>
Conti-Ramsden, G. & Jones, M. (1997). Verb use in specific language impairment. <I>Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing </I>Research 40, 1298-313.<BR>
Chiat, S. (2000). <I>Understanding children with language problems</I>. Cambridge: CUP. (Part II on verb processing).<BR>
<B>Yasuhiro Shirai<BR>
Morimoto, Yukiko. 1996. The acquisition of verb constructions in Japanese.<BR>
Qualifying paper, Department of Linguistics, Stanford University.<BR>
<B>Miquel Serra<BR>
Monica Sanza in her M. thesis has wroked this topic and has found for<BR>
normal developing children at 2,5 (n=7) 51% of lights verbs and at 3,3<BR>
years (n=5) 46%.<BR>
If you want more information about her work you can contact her:<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>monicast@psi.ub.es<BR>
<B>Anat Ninio<BR>
</B>Ninio, A. (1999). Pathbreaking verbs. Journal of Child Language, <BR>
29, 619-653. <BR>
Another paper with an emphasis on intransitive verbs is: <BR>
Ninio, A. (1999). Model learning. International Journal of Bilingualism,<BR>
3, 111-131.<BR>
<B>Sigal Uziel-Karl<BR>
</B>Steve Pinker has work on light verbs in English, Angelique van Hoot on light verbs in Dutch, Ruth Berman and Anat Ninio have papers on these verbs in Hebrew, and I have just completed a dissertation in which I discuss the role of these verbs in Hebrew child-language. <BR>
Berman, R. A. 1993a. Developmental perspectives on transitivity: A confluence of cues. In Y. Levy (ed.), <I>Other Children Other Languages: Issues in the Theory of Language Acquisition</I>. Erlbaum, pp. 189-241. <BR>
Berman, R. A. & S. Armon-Lotem. 1996. How grammatical are early verbs? In C. Martinot (ed.), <I>Actes du Colloque International sur L’acquisition de la Syntaxe en Langue Maternelle et en Langue Etrangere</I>. Universite de France-Comte, Besancon. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, pp. 17-59.<BR>
Clark, E. V. 1978. How children describe time and order. In C. A. Ferguson and D. I. Slobin (eds.), <I>Studies of Child Language Development</I>. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp. 585-606.<BR>
Clark, E. V. 1993. <I>The Lexicon in Acquisition</I>. Cambridge University Press.<BR>
Hollebrandse, B. & A. van Hoot. 1995. Light verb learning in Dutch. Paper presented at the TINdag, Utrecht, pp. 65-89.<BR>
Hollebranse, B. & A. van Hoot. 1996. Light verb learning is light verb learning. In M. Dickey and S. Tunstall (eds.), <I>Experimental Linguistics.</I> University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers 19. Amherst: GLSA, pp. 261-288.<BR>
Hollebranse, B. & A. van Hoot. 1998. Aspectual bootstrapping via light verbs. In N. Dittmar and Z. Penner (eds.), <I>Issues in the Theory of Language Acquisition.</I> Bern: Peterlang, pp. 113-134.<BR>
Ninio, A. 1999. Pathbreaking verbs in syntactic development and the question of prototypical transitivity. <I>Journal of Child Language</I> 26, 619-653.<BR>
Pinker, S. 1989. <I>Learnability and Cognition: The Acquisition of Argument Structure.</I> Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books.<BR>
Uziel-Karl, S. 1999. Children’s verb lexicon<I>. Proceedings of the 30th Child Language Research Forum,</I> pp. 41-49.<BR>