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<BR>I'm looking for links between two areas of research that seem rather
<BR>independent of each other in the literature: the developmental research on
<BR>early word learning in toddlers and young children, and studies of vocabulary
<BR>learning from reading and education research. (In the second category, some
<BR>of the papers I have include White, Graves, & Slater, 1990; Anderson & Nagy,
<BR>1991; Beck & McKeown, 1991.)
<BR>Does anyone know of theoretical papers or longitudinal studies that serve as
<BR>a transition? I'm interested in vocabulary studies with kindergartners and
<BR>early elementary students in which the studies have conceptual ties to the
<BR>early word learning research. If you reply to me personally, I'll summarize
<BR>and post the information. I'm a grad student at the University of Florida
<BR>and would be grateful for suggestions.
<BR>Lisa Maag