A previous message to info-chibolts@mail.talkbank.org was refused by
mail.talkbank.org, so I send a new one to info-childes:<br><br>
<font face="Courier New, Courier"><x-tab> </x-tab>I
just retrieved yesterday the last (?) version of clanwin.exe (05-NOV-2002
13:00) and it seems that there are problems for us with some
programs. <br><br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>First,
check treats ç (c with cedilla) inside words as if it were an upper
case letter. For instance, if we try to check the following çedilla.cha
@Participants: CHI Grégoire Target_child<br>
*CHI:<x-tab> </x-tab>garçon.<br>
We obtain the following result:<br><br>
> check çedilla.cha<br>
depfile.cut being used from:
check çedilla.cha<br>
Thu Nov 14 12:54:40 2002<br>
check (05-Nov-2002) is conducting analyses on:<br>
ALL speaker tiers<br>
and those speakers' ALL dependent tiers<br>
and ALL header tiers<br>
From file <çedilla.cha><br>
First pass DONE.<br>
*** File "çedilla.cha": line 3.<br>
*CHI:<x-tab> </x-tab>garçon.<br>
Upper case letters are not allowed inside a word.(49)<br>
Second pass DONE.<br>
Warning: Please repeat CHECK until no error messages are
<x-tab> </x-tab>It is a
problem for editing French. I tried to allow cedillas, but it seems that
programs ignore 00depadd.cut file. Anyway, the problem would remain for
running check inside the editor. For the moment we are obliged to run
check from outside the editor using -e49 option.<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>This
problem does not occur with previous clanwin.exe programs we have on
other machines (06-MAR-2002, 01-MAY-2002, 27-AUG-2002, and one of
September). I wonder whether it is a general problem with check or if it
is restricted to our French machines.<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab>There seem
also to be problems with freq. As soon as we start the program, there is
an error message and the CLAN session is interrupted. For the moment, I
was not able to locate the problem.<br><br>
Is there something I can do to solve the first problem?<br><br>
Christian Champaud<br>