</b>The Center for Language Acquisition offers a Ph.D.-stipend for
appointment October 1<sup>st</sup>, 2004, at the Institute of Language
and Communication, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.<br><br>
The Ph.D.-stipend is advertised in affiliation with the project "The
interaction between segmentation strategies and mental representations of
language sounds and language production in normal and hearing impaired
populations" (“sammenhængen mellem segmenteringsstrategier og
mentale repræsentationer af sproglyde og sprogproduktion i normale og
hørehæmmede populationer”), financed by Widex A/S and University of
Southern Denmark. The aim of the project is to investigate the relations
between segmentation strategies and mental representations of language
sounds in both normal and hearing impaired populations. The Ph.D.-stipend
will comprise experimental investigation of the acquisition of language
sounds in normally hearing and hearing impaired children in the age-span
of 0 to 6 months. <br><br>
The selected applicant will take part in the research milieu at the
Center for Language Acquisition as well as in the established
Ph.D.-network at the Institute of Language and Communication. <br><br>
Relevant educational prerequisites could be e.g. psychology (preferably
developmental or cognitive), psycho-linguistics or language psychology,
phonetics, “lab-phonology” or audiologopaedics. Experience with working
experimentally is an advantage. <br><br>
The job does not necessarily require basic Danish language skills prior
to employment, which opens the position up for foreign applicants with
relevant background and research interests, and everyone is therefore
invited to apply. <br><br>
A specific project description will be drawn up within the first part of
the stipend-period. Applicants can obtain further information concerning
the project as well as the stipend by contacting project-director,
Center-director Dorthe Bleses: email:
<a href="mailto:bleses@language.sdu.dk">bleses@language.sdu.dk</a>, tel:
+45 6550 3346.<br>
Engagement as a Ph.D. Research Fellow is for three years. Employment
stops automatically at the end of the period. The holder of the stipend
is not allowed to have other paid employment during the three-year
The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the
agreement of 26 May 2000 on salaried Ph.D. fellows between the Ministry
of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional
The University encourages all interested persons to apply, regardless of
age, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic background.<br><br>
Please send 4 copies of the application, marked “Position No. 046013”,
and appendices, including publications on which the applicant wishes to
rely, to <br><br>
The secretariat of the Faculty of Humanities - Odense<br>
University of Southern Denmark<br>
Campusvej 55 <br>
DK–5230 Odense M<br>
The application must reach the University no later than Monday September
20<sup>th</sup> 2004, at 12.00 hours.<br><br>
Dorthe Bleses,<br>
Lektor, ph.d,<br>
Leder, Center for Sprogtilegnelse
(<a href="http://www.humaniora.sdu.dk/sprogtilegnelse" eudora="autourl">www.humaniora.sdu.dk/sprogtilegnelse</a>)<br>
Syddansk Universitet<br>
Campusvej 55,<br>
5230 Odense M<br>
<x-tab> </x-tab><br>
TEL 65503346 / 65502586<br>
Email bleses@language.sdu.dk <br>