<b>The University of Reading<br>
</b> <br>
<b>School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences<br><br>
<h1><b>Senior Lecturer/Reader/Chair - Ref. S0601</b></h1>The School
of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences wish to appoint to a
full-time, permanent senior post, to take effect as soon as possible. The
level of appointment will depend on experience. The focus of this post
will be on maintaining a high personal research profile and encouraging
and building existing research activity within the Clinical Language
Science section of the School. An established ability to attract research
funding is essential. The section offers two pre-registration degrees in
Speech and Language Therapy funded by the NHS, thus research experience
in fields of normal and non-normal speech and language, other areas of
communication impairment or subjects that inform these areas would be
especially welcome. A qualification in speech and language therapy is
desirable but not essential. Clinical salary scales will be paid to an
appropriate candidate. <br>
For an informal discussion please contact Dr. Judi Ellis, Head of
<a href="mailto:j.a.ellis@reading.ac.uk">j.a.ellis@reading.ac.uk</a> or
Professor Susan Edwards, Head of Section
<a href="mailto:s.i.edwards@reading.ac.uk">s.i.edwards@reading.ac.uk</a>
Further particulars and application form are available from the Personnel
Office, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading, RG6
6AH, telephone 0118 378 6771 (voicemail) (please quote Reference number),
and at the University web-site below.<br>
<a href="http://www.info.rdg.ac.uk/newjobs/details.asp?RefernceNumber=S0601" eudora="autourl">
<b>Closing date for applications 13 February 2006. <br><br>
<div>Theodoros Marinis</div>
<div>Lecturer in Clinical Linguistics</div>
<div>School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences</div>
<div>University of Reading</div>
<div>Reading RG6 6AL, UK</div>
<div>Tel. +44-118-3787465</div>
<a href="http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~sslytma/index.htm" EUDORA=AUTOURL>